Secure Email Protection Services

Email-borne threats are evolving, becoming increasingly sophisticated, more easily bypassing traditional security measures. With PurpleJelly’s Secure Email Protection Services, you can fortify your email system using a comprehensive, multi-layered security strategy. Our solution ensures that you receive top-tier email security and management services, giving you peace of mind and protecting your business from emerging threats.
Secure Email Protection

Email Security – Safeguarding Your Communications and Data

Email security is vital for any business, ensuring the protection of sensitive data and customer information from malicious attacks. Our Secure Email Protection Services defend against cyber-attacks, data breaches, and unauthorised access to critical emails and documents. By maintaining the integrity of your email system, we ensure it operates securely and efficiently for everyone in your organisation.

Key Features of Our Secure Email Protection Services

  • Two-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security, requiring users to verify their identity through a secondary method before accessing their email accounts.
  • Encryption: Ensures that your emails are securely transmitted and stored, protecting sensitive information from unauthorised access.
  • Advanced Malware Protection: Detects and blocks malicious software before it can compromise your email system, safeguarding your organisation from threats.
  • Phishing Protection: Identifies and prevents phishing attempts, helping to protect your employees from deceptive emails designed to steal sensitive information.
  • Domain Fraud Protection: Safeguard your brand from domain spoofing and impersonation attacks with our DMARC reporting and analysis, ensuring only legitimate emails are delivered and malicious senders are blocked.
  • AI for Real-Time Protection: Utilise artificial intelligence to detect and stop spear phishing and other targeted attacks in real-time, learning your organisation’s unique communication patterns to identify and neutralise threats effectively.
  • End User Awareness Training: Empower your employees with security awareness training, helping them recognise and respond to potential email threats, thereby strengthening your organisation’s overall security posture.
With PurpleJelly’s Secure Email Protection Services, your business will be equipped with the most comprehensive defence against all types of email threats, including spam, malware, business email compromise, and account takeover. Our complete email security service integrates a secure email gateway, email continuity, data protection, compliance archiving, AI-powered fraud protection, and automated incident response, ensuring your data and employees are fully protected.

PurpleJelly and Email Security

We are dedicated to ensuring businesses of all sizes maintain the highest level of email security. Our services include message encryption, two-factor authentication, and the implementation of domain authentication protocols, providing comprehensive protection against malicious actors and accidental data loss. Additionally, our system continuously monitors for any unauthorised access attempts or changes, allowing us to swiftly address any issues before they escalate.

Contact the PurpleJelly team today for advice on email security or any other cyber security issues.

Email security

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If you have a question about our IT support services or products and wish to speak to one of our team, please call us on 01252 856 230 or complete our simple contact form and we’ll be in touch later today.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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PurpleJelly Intelligent IT Solutions
Unit 11,
The Enterprise Centre,
Coxbridge Business Park,
Alton Road,
GU10 5EH

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