Welcome to the PurpleJelly
IT Support Blog

We think a Blog should provide relevant and interesting information

Here you can find all the information, tips and advice you need to keep your IT systems running smoothly. Our professional team of experts are always on hand to provide helpful guidance and support for any IT-related issues that may arise. We understand how important technology is in today’s world, which is why we strive to ensure our clients receive the most up-to-date IT support solutions for their business needs.

Our blog covers a wide range of topics about IT systems and software, including hardware installation, system updates, security measures and cloud storage solutions. You’ll find detailed explanations with easy-to-follow steps as well as useful insights into troubleshooting techniques and industry trends.

Contact Us

If you have a question about our IT support services or products and wish to speak to one of our team, please call us on 01252 856 230 or complete our simple contact form and we’ll be in touch later today.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Existing clients

If you are an existing PurpleJelly client with a Support Agreement, you can obtain technical support by: 

Calling the helpdesk team on 01252 856 230 selecting Option 2 

PurpleJelly Intelligent IT Solutions
Unit 11,
The Enterprise Centre,
Coxbridge Business Park,
Alton Road,
GU10 5EH

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