Azure Infrastructure as a Service

Effortlessly scale  your business with Azure IaaS: The ultimate cloud computing solution for streamlined infrastructure deployment and management.

Microsoft Azure infrastructure as a service
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure as a Service

Looking for a cloud computing solution that can help your business grow and succeed? Look no further than Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). With Azure IaaS, you can easily deploy virtual machines and related services such as storage, application hosting, networking and backups in a fully managed environment. This means you can focus on what you do best – running your business – while PurpleJelly and Azure takes care of the rest.

Azure IaaS offers businesses the benefits of scalability, flexibility and cost savings. Operating on a subscription basis with a pay-as-you-go or fixed term pricing model, you can select only the resources you need without having to invest in expensive upfront costs. Plus, with Azure’s built-in security features and high availability, your data is always protected.

Why Azure is the best choice for your business

  • No need for on-site servers or renewable infrastructure
  • Scalable and flexible computing resources as you need them
  • Host and operate your line of business applications in the same way as your traditional on-site servers
  • Real time Microsoft security patches and updates to save on valuable downtime
  • High availability with your Azure estate spread across multiple Microsoft datacentres
  • Built-in disaster recovery
  • A bespoke cloud solution to fit your business operation needs

If you’re looking for a cloud computing platform that can help you save time and money, improve your scalability, and increase your security, then Azure IaaS is the perfect solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about how Azure can help your business.

Azure Infrastructure as a service

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PurpleJelly Intelligent IT Solutions
Unit 11,
The Enterprise Centre,
Coxbridge Business Park,
Alton Road,
GU10 5EH

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