Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is a cloud-based virtualisation solution from Microsoft. As a cloud-based service, it allows users to access their applications and desktops virtually, creating a virtual desktop environment.

Microsoft Azure virtual desktop
Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop

AVD provides organisations with remote access to applications hosted on Azure and gives users the same experience as if they were using a physical desktop. With AVD, businesses can quickly deploy desktops and applications to their employees in any situation, allowing them to work remotely and securely.

AVD integrates with other cloud solutions like Microsoft365 to provide users with all the features of an office suite in the cloud. Businesses can leverage AVD’s scalability and cost-effective pricing model to create virtual desktops that are tailored for specific departments or teams within their organisation. Additionally, it enables an enterprise-grade security framework through its built-in identity management system and data encryption feature. This ensures that only authorised individuals have access to sensitive data stored on AVD servers.

Azure Virtual Desktop is an incredibly powerful tool that provides users with the ability to access their applications not only from home but from anywhere in the world via internet connection.

Benefits of using Azure Virtual Desktop?

  • Your staff need to work remotely or in a standardised environment
  • Provision different types of AVDs for different teams in the business
  • Simple to deploy and configure on demand
  • Ring-fenced security and compliance
  • Easy to scale and flexible
  • Cost effective to run

If you’re looking for a cloud computing platform that can help you save time and money, improve your scalability, and increase your security, then Azure Virtual Desktop is the perfect solution for you. Contact PurpleJelly, your reliable Surrey IT support company, to learn more about how virtual desktop can help your business.

Azure Infrastructure as a service

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