Cloud Backup for Businesses of All Sizes

Azure cloud backup services for business

With the requirement for organisations to be increasingly prepared for the effects of cyber threats, cloud backup for businesses is an essential part of modern-day risk assessment and business strategy. In fact, business continuity, resilience, and disaster recovery should be available to organisations of all sizes, not just the global enterprises.

With Acronis Backup Cloud available through PurpleJelly IT, Farnham’s leading IT support company, all firms can have peace of mind through their Cloud Storage solution.

Why You Need Reliable Cloud Backup

Last year official statistics from the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) showed that cyber security breaches remained a common threat to the nation’s organisations.

In the NCSC’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023, published last April, 32% of businesses and 24% of charities experienced cyberattacks or data breaches. The bigger the business, the bigger the threat, especially for those with higher incomes. Charities with over £500,000 in income saw the biggest threats in their sector.

As for the cost of attacks and breaches, the NSCS’s report noted that any single breach for a charity cost them £530. The cost of hacking, on average, cost firms approximately £1,100 but this increased with business size – Medium and large businesses suffered a cost per breach of approximately £4,960.

Additionally, the survey revealed that the smallest firms were taking cyber security threats with less seriousness, down to 58% from 80% the year before – good news for hackers but bad news for UK business.

How Acronis Cloud Storage Works

With our Acronis cloud backup, you can guard against cyber threats with the peace of mind that cloud storage provides.

Acronis Cloud Storage allows you to create backups of various data types, including:

  • Disks and partitions
  • Files and folders
  • Entire systems (including operating system)
  • Virtual machines and servers

Backups are stored in secure, remote data centres that utilize Acronis’s proprietary software-defined storage. This storage solution is designed to be reliable and secure.

Acronis also provides flexible recovery options so that you can recover:

  • Individual files or folders
  • Specific applications
  • Your entire system

Acronis Cloud Backup is a valuable tool for business continuity, ensuring that you can recover your data and systems quickly in case of disasters like hardware failures, cyberattacks, or even accidental deletions.

By backing up your data to the cloud, you can have an off-site copy that is protected from local threats like hardware malfunctions or natural disasters.

Additionally, Acronis’ data backup solutions can help your organisation meet various compliance and regulatory requirements related to data protection.

Microsoft 365, Teams and SharePoint Cloud Backup

While Acronis Cloud Storage primarily focuses on backing up data from your devices, it does not directly support backing up specific applications like mail, MS Teams, Microsoft 365, or SharePoint.

However, Acronis offers a different product called Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud that includes Cloud-to-cloud backup for Microsoft Office 365. This feature allows you to back up your data specifically from these applications.

If you’re interested in backing up your data from cloud-based applications like MS365, Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is an excellent option for your organisation.


Cyber threats are increasing, and threat actors will always look for ways to exploit your systems, looking to steal data, passwords, and financial information. Whilst our secure IT systems and training can help to drastically reduce such risks, it’s always advisable to have a cloud backup solution in place to ensure business continuity.

Acronis Backup Cloud and Cyber Protect Cloud are the perfect services to ensure that your organisation can quickly and fully recover in the event of a disaster, allowing your business to continue as normal.

For all things cloud backup, IT security, and even Cyber Essentials, speak with PurpleJelly about your business requirements, we’ll be happy to advise.

Call us on 01252 856 230 or complete the simple contact form.

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If you have a question about our IT support services or products and wish to speak to one of our team, please call us on 01252 856 230 or complete our simple contact form and we’ll be in touch later today.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Alton Road,
GU10 5EH

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