Secure Email Protection

Email-borne threats are becoming more sophisticated and are designed to bypass traditional email security gateways. PurpleJelly’s Total Email Protection solution enables you to safeguard your email system with a multi-layered email security strategy, you can rest assured that you’ll have the best possible email security and management services available.

Secure Email Protection

Email Security – Protecting Communications & Data 

Email security is an integral part of any business. It is essential that businesses protect their data from malicious attackers and ensure the privacy of their customers’ information. Email security protects against cyber-attacks, data breaches, and unauthorised access to sensitive emails or documents. It helps to maintain the integrity of your email system and keep it running securely for everyone in your organisation.

Businesses need to take steps to protect themselves by:

  • Two-factor authentication

  • Encryption

  • Advanced Malware protection

  • Phishing protection

  • Domain Fraud Protection

  • AI for Real-Time Protection

  • End user awareness training

  • Archive recovery

With these measures in place, PurpleJelly will secure your businesses data, and employees, with the most comprehensive protection against all email threat types, from spam and malware, to business email compromise and account takeover. We create a complete email security service that combines secure email gateway, email continuity, data protection, compliance archiving, AI-powered fraud protection, and automated incident response.

PurpleJelly and Email Security

We are committed to helping businesses of all sizes maintain top-level email security measures. From encrypting messages and two-factor authentication to setting up domain authentication protocols, we provide everything needed to secure emails from malicious actors or accidental losses. What’s more, our system provides continuous monitoring for any changes or attempts at accessing accounts without authorisation. This ensures that if anything does happen, it will be addressed quickly before it becomes a larger issue.

Contact the PurpleJelly team today for advice on email security or any other cyber security issues.

Email security

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If you have a question about our IT support services or products and wish to speak to one of our team, please call us on 01252 856 230 or complete our simple contact form and we’ll be in touch later today.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Calling the helpdesk team on 01252 856 230 selecting Option 2 

PurpleJelly Intelligent IT Solutions
Unit 11,
The Enterprise Centre,
Coxbridge Business Park,
Alton Road,
GU10 5EH

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